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Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Third times the charm

Last weeks lesson has sought the leaving of Jake Moody, so the work load has piled up for us. Although Matt wasn't there that lesson, Alice and Sam managed to get plenty of work done. Sam brought in the mask he suggested we could use for our antagonist, which we found to be perfect. We found it very similar to the killer antagonist (Jason Voorhees) of the 'Friday the 13th', which therefore brought goosebumps along our arms. We took photos of the mask, testing various angle too, for example a low angle shot, to show the mighty of the character, or a close up shot, as if the character is challenging the viewer, which gives off a monstrous element.

*Photos of the mask, were uploaded onto the photos page. Get there by clicking the link on the right*

Other than the mask, we analysed the trailers today, breaking them down and uploading the analysis on the trailer posts. we did 'Shawn of the dead', displaying plenty of text and critical thinking into the trailer, and showing how the trailer can be used to help with our own. For me, we wanted to get the little basics done and out of the way. This the work Jake was meant to do actually, but we took it up instead and did his specific trailer research onto illustrator. Using adobe illustrator, we managed to make the document look more appealing, and eye catching. We wanted to draw in the viewers, for looking at a lot of text can put off some people, plus it relates to the genre were using; horror. We followed the genre conventions, and added a dark background, with direct contrast to the white text and stuck to a limited colour palette which made the page mix together well, and work. Alice does A level Graphics alongside media, so hopefully, that will help towards the development of the posters and covers later this year.
For the document, the design was inspired from typographic designer, 'tomato', who design a piece of typography in 1994 which we found appealing. The link to his website: http://www.tomato.co.uk/1994

Next Lesson Plans,
Finish off this trailer research, and get into designing the characters, looking at storyboards and begin writing the short trailer script. Begin to discuss actors, and who's going to play them, and type down how all of these decisions will impact on our trailer.

Things we need to do,
Finish storyboards and begin writing the script. Design more of the antagonist and see of the rest of the group will appeal to them.

Matt is on holiday next week so Alice and Sam will be doing the work again. However, he'll be back the week after this lesson coming up.

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