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Tuesday 9 October 2012

Audience Marketing Campaign

Our target audience for our film will be for 15 - 25 year olds. This is because, horror is mainly for the younger generation as horror films have developed more in recent years. There is also no real target gender as both males and females equally enjoy horror films and will be the case for ours.

To engage the audience, our trailer will involve an antagonist that you know is there, however you can't see. Tension will be on of the main formats of our trailer, and will engage the audience to continue watching and to see what happens next. (to find out what the movie is called). One of the main factors, is that the characters are of the same age-range to the audience, so hopefully the audience will get to know the characters easier, and come to wonder what will happen to them. They'll connect with the characters.

We will position our film during the half term Halloween period at multiplex cinemas. The time slots that would be preferable are between 5-12 pm with extra showings on Wednesday to encourage the younger audience to view through discounted 'Orange Wednesdays.' Although we may experience stiff competition from films of a similar genre during this time. Our film is expected to be a blockbuster, therefore it will be released on an international scale.

The TV channels we will target for advertisement are: Channel 4 as much of their daily listing are aimed at the younger demographic, showing programs such as Hollyoaks. Channel 5 would also be a good choice as they target a working class 24-35 year old demographic. This would help expand our audience. Other channels that could promote our product are music channels such as MTV and Kerrang.

Good opportunities for promotion could come from mobile apps, viral marketing, memes and social networking that are used predominantly amongst  the younger generation in effort to drum up an interest though word of mouth.

The way we would advertise in newspapers is by targeting tabloids such as The Sun, The Mirror etc. The graphology would feature bold, sharp/knifelike font to stand out from the standard industry used font. Pictures could include a close up of our antagonist - much like Friday 13th's Jason.

The social background would be mainly aimed towards the working and middle classes as our three main characters are of them two classes. Their race would also be irrelevant as like with gender, horror films are for all who enjoy that genre.

Our film will be a blockbuster type of film and as such will be released around halloween, the mainstream time to release a horror film. As such this would result in us advertising in tabloid newspapers rather than broadsheets as tabloids are read by the younger generation that will watch our film.

As the sub-centre, comedy will definitely help enhance our intention of attracting the young adult demographic. At the start of the trailer, comedy is presented to initiate the characters' ordinary world, which will intentionally be similar to most of youth's social life style. Just having a good time, chatting with your friends. The couple, we have decided to include to hopefully attract a more of a feminine audience since generally and stereotypically, horror attracts more males than females.

The programmes that we would advertise on would be around the same type of films like on the Sky Movies horror channel where there are similar films and would such attract the audience we are targeting. Other programmes would be like on films at night on ITV or channel 4. Also it would be advertised on football ad breaks and other sporting events as they have a strong youth demographic.

We could use radio to reach our target audience by advertising on radio stations that have a strong youth demographic like on Capital, Heart and other youth orientated stations as they could then feel compelled to watch and see what it is like.

There is quite a lot of potential to speak directly to our fans like through social media sites, for example having a facebook page or a twitter account to ask fans their opinion like on a certain plot point. There will also be several advanced screenings beforehand to gage the target audiences views and reactions.

The social media will be of huge benefit to distributing our movie. Due to the recent upbringing and increase in popularity over the Slenderman base legend, our target audience (a fraction of them) will recognize the similarity between our antagonist character to the Slenderman legend. It'll not only attract the attention of the audience, but they'll talk about it too. Titter, Facebook, Youtube, all over! The publicity involved will heavily impact to our films success. What's more, we can take screen shots of our trailer footage and create memes which will entertain the audience online. We can create a twitter account, a facebook page and craft little teasers posters that challenge the reader 'Can you see it?' and the reader will attempt to find whatever they think they are looking for. It'll literally tease them, and draw there attention in.

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