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Friday, 15 February 2013

Poster Test(s)

Since we liked the whole threshold look of the Mask image tests, we went forward with it and wanted to see what it'll look like as an overall poster. Using our specially made title, we threw that in, along with some jibberish text below it (to create a more realistic movie poster effect) and in the end, it turned out quite not as bad as we thought it would. 

Although the outlook turned out pretty good, we're still not entirely dependent on this design for we want to see what the other photo manipulation images of the mask would look on it. I guess we chose the threshold look first because we're all mentioned that we prefer bold and simple. The poster almost looks like a real print design, you know, almost a brand which is good thing. Maybe this type of image can be used for other stuff such as Meme's, international posters or maybe just the average comic (if there was one). We're gonna move on to some more testing now, and hopefully come out with a better poster design and layout. We still want to see what the poster will look in the landscape look which is till need to sort out. 

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