Hi. Today's filming has been delayed an hour due to bad weather conditions, however we are not giving up! I dropped into college today to pick up a tripod for the establishing shots, and we thought id update the blog on how our filming is going. Last Friday, we (including Sam's actor friend, Justin) made our way to Cowplain to begin filming the all important opening sequence, the pub scene. Truthfully, we had no choice but to film the pub scene, because we noticed that it got so dark, it was impossible to see anything in the forest we filmed. This is when we decided to stretch the schedule a bit, and film some shots today.
Filming went along smoothly though. Sam's friend did extremely well in presenting ideas, and acting out his role. He was happy to take part in our work and we were honestly surprised that he doesn't mind being thrown to the floor in the midst of our trailer (Getting muddy and wet perhaps). Also, Sam decided to play a supporting role as 'Toby's' friend, who helps take the mink out of who's now called Lauren (Alice's role). The character name was changed to Lauren, because incidentally, Toby/Justin confused it around when we said Laura before. So now, we have footage of the pub scene, with him calling my character Lauren.
The location of the pub scene was good, for we found a small corner to film in, where no one was around and gave us a chance to be ourselves when filming. We didn't want people in the footage to be looking around at the lens as we filmed, it'll be off-putting.
Today, we're hopefully going to film all of the establishing shots, the tracking shots and the hopefully the running scene with me running alone through the woods. It's gonna be tough, because Alice has got to force herself to get exhausted in order to create realistic footage, and that she's got to look scared and petrified and maybe have to scream too!
Matt will be in charge of the camera work, whilst Sam will be there to fill in maybe some empty roles, and to give his personal opinion on the footage. We need opinions! So feel free to comment.
The lighting of the area is causing some major issues at the moment, and for one thing, its getting us worried whether if its alright to film from a dark pub scene, into a sort of bright, running scene. Of course, we can edit it into a dusk atmosphere, but what about the edited night-vision shot? We can't edit two things in one piece of footage at once. I guess we'll find out later after the holidays during the editing process. One thing for sure, we hope we'll get some really cool photos today like we took before. You'll find these photos on the photos bar on the right. The photos taken during our last location scouting; the ones that were taken and edited by and Matt has downloaded on his iphone. They were beautiful if you ask.
We can't wait for our next filming session, for it includes Sam dressing up as the Antagonist, and its Matt we have to rely on to get just the right shot of the grabbing moment. One thing that gets to us, is how Sam is going to see when he's wearing a mask AND a white shirt over his face to make a blank face. It's surely going to be a funny day of filming indeed. Right we're off, with the tripod, to begin our second day of filming :)
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