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Friday, 14 September 2012

First Lesson

Today, we started off with some basic notes. We started throwing random ideas onto some pages and suggested our hybrid genre is going to be horror, for its the easiest genre to follow. However, we are walking on stilts here for we've also decided to include comedy into the movie. Producing comedy will be a tough one, but it's not impossible. We've watched various sitcoms, films and TV that involve comedy, for example, 30 rock, Friends, Seinfeld, Anchor Man, The big bang theory, and much more. The tough part is to find some example horror trailers and movies that share the same genre conventions, with maybe a little joke/laugh here and there. We're going to watch some trailers tonight, specifically Scream and Saw (for we haven't seen these films yet) and also, I'm going to watch Anchor Man since Sam wants the comedy to be of a similar style.

After a few minutes chatting and sharing opinions, we've come down to some conclusions, suggesting that our characters will compose of a female and two males. We haven't specifically chosen names yet but we're coming up to that. We've shared the confirmed idea of them exiting a pub and taking a shortcut back to their house in the middle of the night. We haven't set a confirmed location yet, but we have suggested filming this in the middle of a field at dawn.

Possible filming locations:

  • West Lane, Hayling Island
  • Rowlands castle forest

Now the villain of every horror is what makes the horror. He's got be frightening in a way that intrigues, and scares the audience. At the very start of the lesson, we proposed an inspirational aspect from the legend of 'Slender Man'. Its a no-name man who wears a black suit, tie and a white mask that stalks the far ends of the black night. His primary targets are young females, however he can chase leading males. The slender man is a our basic idea of the villain at the moment. On the other hand, since theres already a film coming later in halloween about the slender man, we've decided to make it our inspiration and create our own villain who dresses formally and probably wears a hockey mask to hide his identity. The hockey mask can be provided by Sam.

Either way, we're still working on it. We have decided that Alice can be the camera person, for she wanted to plan and film most of the camera shots. 

One other thing to note down, is that we're looking for software that provides the production of good music. Sound is the most important aspect to every horror trailer. If you go on youtube and watch 'lets plays' game videos that support the horror genre, its always the sound that warns the audience that something horrific is about to happen. 

A useful book we read today: 'The secrets to writing great comedy'

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